Father and Daughter looking in the distance.

Family Law

Family law relates to and affects marriages, parental contact and residence arrangements for children amongst other crucial areas of life. Rest assured that at Michael Hill Partnership all clients are professionally but sympathetically looked after.

Divorce and separation can be a complex process which can span a considerable period of time. We have accredited family lawyers who can assist you in helping to move on to a more settled future.

Our family law solicitors are friendly, sympathetic and able to explain everything in simple terms.

Types of family law covered include:

  • Divorce / Civil Marriage Breakdown
  • Cohabitation / Disputes
  • Finance
  • Children
  • Separation Agreements
  • Prenuptial Agreements
A couple with rings touching flowers together on their wedding day.

Our Family Law Team

Vijay KumarSenior Family & Litigation Solicitor & Accredited Mediator
Philip HavelockAssociate Solicitor - Litigation
Man on the Phone and using a Laptop

Enquire about our Family Law Services

Fill out our contact form and we will get in touch

What We Charge

We can have an initial conversation with you by phone for up to approximately 15 minutes without charge so that we may take initial details to determine the nature of your enquiry. In most Family Law cases, thereafter we can offer the two following options regarding how we can assist you:

1. Fixed Fee Appointment

We can arrange a one-off fixed fee appointment charged at the sum of £300.00 (£250.00 plus VAT) plus a disbursement fee of our third-party ID check provider. This appointment would last approximately 1 hour, but there will be no extra charge should this overrun. The appointment would include us considering your matter and providing general advice as to your legal position, the issues involved and possible next steps. This can be done by way of an in-person appointment at our office, by Microsoft Teams meeting or by telephone. Should you wish for further assistance and advice, then the second option below will apply.

2. Ongoing Instruction

If you wish to fully instruct us to provide ongoing advice and assistance and to formally act on your behalf, the hourly rate of £420 (£350 plus VAT) will apply from the onset of your matter (this could be varied according to complexity, urgency and value by separate agreement), and we would require a payment on account from you so that we are covered for the initial work we would do on your behalf. All letters/emails and routine telephone calls are charged at 1/10th of the hourly charging rate.  After your first appointment with us, we will then provide a general cost estimate on the information provided and would be revised as the matter progresses. In some cases this may be the more appropriate step as opposed to a one-off appointment depending on the nature of your enquiry.

Advice on the mediation process and outcomes will be on the same basis. If we are to check documents and give opinions on documents they will also follow the same hourly rates. We can also come to fixed fee arrangements in appropriate cases.

Fixed fee divorce is charged at £850 plus VAT + court fees. We would undertake a full review of your circumstances, preparing all necessary documents for court.