Commercial Property & Business
We offer legal services to businesses of all forms of enterprise in England and Wales including; sole traders, partnerships and limited companies. We can provide advice and practical support and where necessary recommend further specialists in connection with most business matters including:
- Commercial freehold property of all types – Industrial, Retail or Offices and whether buying, selling or financing
- Leasehold commercial property – for landlord or tenant whether granting or taking a new lease, proposing an assignment, needing consent; for example for a lease variation. In all cases to include advising on the effects of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954.
- Setting up in business – in whatever type of enterprise
- Refinancing arrangements
- Merging, acquiring or disposing of a business whether assets, the entity itself or a share of it
We have specialist experience with specific business matters including:
- Charities – particularly in connection with places of worship
- Commercial or residential property auction purchases or sales – to include pre auction purchase/sale advice
- Mineral Extraction and Quarrying
- Pension trustees property related transactions for SSAS’s etc.
- Pharmacy
- Primary Healthcare – Membership of the Primary Care Property Forum (PCPF)
- Professional landlords of Residential and Commercial property

Our Commercial Property & Business Team

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